Does a General Dentistry Offer Preventive Treatments?

Does a General Dentistry Offer Preventive Treatments? from Santa Monica LiveWell Dentistry in Santa Monica, CAWhen you experience a dental injury, serious tooth pain, or signs of a potential infection, it is important to schedule a general dentistry appointment. While dentists are equipped to treat a variety of oral health issues, many of these can be avoided with proper preventative care. Most dentists offer treatments that can help significantly reduce the risks of tooth decay, gum disease, and more.

Types of general dentistry preventative treatments

It is important to note that not all preventative treatments are appropriate for every patient. For example, pregnant women should not receive X-rays. Fluoride treatments may not be recommended for kids who have signs of fluorosis (overexposure to fluoride during childhood). It is important to consult with a dentist to determine which options are right for you.

Fluoride treatments

Fluoride is a natural mineral that plays an important role in dental health. It helps strengthen tooth enamel, resulting in fewer cavities and healthier teeth. Fluoride is added to most public water systems and can be found in many natural foods as well. Even so, most people do not consume enough to enjoy the full benefits and stronger teeth.

For this reason, many dentists recommend a topical fluoride treatment at least once a year as part of a regular general dentistry checkup. A solution is brushed over the surfaces of the teeth, dries quickly, and remains in place until it is brushed away a few hours later. The teeth can absorb this nutrient easily through direct contact for healthier tooth enamel.

Dental cleanings

Believe it or not, a professional dental cleaning is actually a form of preventative care. During this process, scaling instruments are used to remove plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and along the gum line. This type of deep clean cannot be achieved with a toothbrush or floss. However, it plays a key role in cavity prevention. Without it, tartar buildup can lead to enamel erosion, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Dental sealants

Some people are more prone to cavities than others, including children and those with deep grooves in their molars. Placing dental sealants can significantly reduce the risks of developing cavities in these teeth. According to the American Dental Association, children who receive dental sealants are 80% less likely to develop tooth decay on molars.

The dental sealant process is quick and painless. Dentists place a composite resin material in the deep grooves of the molars, set it with a dental light, and then shape it as needed. Sealants are tooth-colored, so they are virtually invisible to others. They help keep food particles and bacteria from getting trapped deep in the grooves and leading to harmful decay.

Screenings and evaluations

Some simple tests and screenings play an important role in preventative dental care. For example, X-rays help dental professionals detect a host of potential problems long before symptoms can develop, including decay, infection, bone loss, and certain cancers.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentistry in Santa Monica, CA


When it comes to maintaining excellent dental health, prevention is key. Talk with a dentist about which treatments can help keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong.

Request an appointment or call Santa Monica LiveWell Dentistry at 310-828-2440 for an appointment in our Santa Monica office.

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